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Inovi Drive Icon Inovi Drive

Inovi Google Drive is a cutting-edge solution for Salesforce AppExchange, designed to seamlessly integrate Google Drive capabilities into Salesforce. By addressing the high costs of Salesforce storage, Inovi Google Drive provides a more affordable alternative, enabling users to store, manage, and share files directly from Google Drive within the Salesforce platform. This integration not only reduces storage costs but also allows teams to work efficiently using the familiar Google Drive interface, all without leaving Salesforce.

Inovi Drive Thumb Image
Inovi Drive Screen

Functionality of the App

The app you’re using is designed to seamlessly sync files from Google Drive to Salesforce, offering a smart and cost-effective way to manage file storage. Since Salesforce’s storage space can be expensive, this app leverages Google Drive’s more affordable and scalable cloud storage to handle large file volumes, while still making these files easily accessible within Salesforce.

Key Functionalities

Automatic File Syncing

  • The app automatically syncs files between Google Drive and Salesforce, ensuring that all relevant files are available in Salesforce without consuming valuable Salesforce storage space.
  • When new files are added to Google Drive or updated, they are synced to Salesforce records in real-time or on a scheduled basis.

File Linking Instead of Uploading

  • Instead of uploading files directly to Salesforce (which would use Salesforce storage), the app creates links to files stored in Google Drive.
  • Users can access and manage files in Salesforce, but the files remain stored in Google Drive, significantly reducing storage costs.

Folder & Record Association

  • The app allows for folder mapping in Google Drive to specific Salesforce records (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities).
  • Files in a mapped Google Drive folder will automatically appear in the corresponding Salesforce record.

File Management in Salesforce

  • Salesforce users can easily view, download, or share files from within Salesforce, even though the files are stored in Google Drive.
  • This offers a seamless experience where files appear as though they are natively stored in Salesforce.

Access Control & Permissions

  • The app respects Google Drive’s file-sharing permissions, ensuring that only authorized users in Salesforce can access files.
  • Admins can configure specific access rules for teams or users, maintaining secure file sharing across both platforms.

Customizable Sync Settings

  • Users can customize sync preferences, such as setting sync intervals (real-time, daily, weekly), or selecting specific folders or records to sync.

Backup & Redundancy

  • By storing files in Google Drive, users also benefit from Google’s reliable cloud infrastructure, offering redundancy and backup protection that ensures files are secure and recoverable.


Cost Savings

  • Save on Salesforce storage costs by utilizing Google Drive’s more affordable cloud space.


  • Easily scale your file storage needs without worrying about Salesforce limits.


  • Access and manage all Salesforce files without needing to switch between platforms.


  • Maintain strict file access control and permissions using Google Drive’s native sharing features.

This app provides an efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solution for companies looking to integrate their file management systems between Salesforce and Google Drive.

Purpose for which Our App requests user data

The app requests access to user data to facilitate the integration and syncing of files between Google Drive and Salesforce. We are committed to transparency and protecting user privacy, so here’s a breakdown of the specific purposes for which user data is requested:

Google Drive Access

  • Purpose
  • To access and sync files between Google Drive and Salesforce, the app requires permission to view, upload, download, and manage files in Google Drive.
  • Requested Data
  • Google Drive files and folder structure, file metadata (such as names, sizes, and modification dates), and file access permissions.
  • Why
  • This is necessary to sync files with the correct Salesforce records and ensure files are accessible to users within Salesforce without using expensive Salesforce storage.

Salesforce Access

  • Purpose
  • The app needs access to Salesforce to create links to files stored in Google Drive, associate them with specific Salesforce records (like Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities), and display the files within the Salesforce interface.
  • Requested Data
  • Salesforce records (relevant metadata like IDs of Accounts, Contacts, or Opportunities), user profiles, and permissions.
  • Why
  • This allows the app to correctly map files to the appropriate Salesforce records and control who has access to view or manage these files within Salesforce.

User Authentication

  • Purpose
  • To authenticate users in both Google Drive and Salesforce and ensure secure, authorized access to files and records.
  • Requested Data
  • User email addresses, account credentials (OAuth tokens), and user permissions in both Google Drive and Salesforce.
  • Why
  • This ensures that only authorized users can access, sync, or manage files, safeguarding sensitive data and complying with organizational access policies.

File Metadata

  • Purpose
  • To provide users with essential file details (such as names, sizes, last modified dates) within Salesforce.
  • Requested Data
  • File metadata from Google Drive.
  • Why
  • This enhances the user experience by allowing users to see key details about each file directly within Salesforce without needing to open Google Drive separately.

Audit & Logging

  • Purpose
  • To maintain logs of file sync activities (who accessed files, what files were synced, etc.) for transparency, security, and troubleshooting.
  • Requested Data
  • User activity logs (such as file access, sync operations, and any errors encountered).
  • Why
  • This helps monitor system usage, detect potential issues, and ensure compliance with security and data integrity protocols.

Data Handling and Protection

  • Minimal Data Usage
  • We only request the minimum data necessary to perform the app’s core functions of file syncing and linking.
  • No Data Sharing with Third Parties
  • The app does not share any user data with third parties unless explicitly required for syncing or based on user consent.
  • Data Encryption
  • All communication between Google Drive, Salesforce, and the app is encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols to protect user data during transfer.

By using the app, users can rest assured that the data requested is solely for the purpose of enabling file syncing between Google Drive and Salesforce, while protecting privacy and maintaining strict access controls.